The Analogies Between John Green’s Books

If you’re a book-lover, you probably noticed that the writing style of an author can reveal a great deal about him. Some books have a great deal of emotion that makes us want to read them again and again.

John Green has also written bestselling novels for young people. John Green has written many books that have become great movies. John Green’s books have fascinated me, as they have many adults. The first John Green book I bought was “The Faults in Our Stars”. The book is based on the romantic storyline of Hazel and Augustus. This book was deeply resonant to me because it dealt with the themes of love, death and life. The book was better than the movie, but the story was so painful that it demanded to be experienced.

John Green’s first novel, “Looking for Alaska”, was the next book I picked up in a hurry. Pudge is a socially awkward introverted shy male. He has limited friends. Alaska was a stunning, attractive, and wealthy girl who didn’t care about her future. Pudge had a strange obsession to remember famous people’s final words.

After the movie was released, I found “Paper Towns”. The book was full of clues, events and even characters. You could say that it is a whole novel about identity. Margo, the mirror of Alaska from “Looking for Alaska”, left behind clues that Quentin could use to track her down when she ran away.

There are many parallels between his books. They are not identical but they are similar. The similarities in his works are recurring characters, themes and a “someone’s” death. The story is about a male high school student who falls for a good-looking, loquacious girl. They are friends because they have been partners in crime. The male characters are always buggy boys who are terrible at sports. One of the main character’s dies at the beginning or the end of a novel. Alaska, Margo, Augustus, and Hazel all realize they are doomed because Hazel has thyroid cancer.

Conclusion: The themes of “Paper Towns” and “Looking for Alaska”, but not the other books, are similar. The stories in both books are a bit puzzling.

You can imagine or think that his books are repetitive. You may have noticed that his books are similar if you have already read them. The quirky way he writes young-age books that don’t fear anything can’t stop you from reading or watching his books as movies to save time.


  • finlaymason

    Finlay Mason is a 36-year-old blogger and teacher from the UK. He is a prominent figure within the online education community, and is well-known for his blog, which provides advice and tips for teachers and students. Finlay is also a frequent speaker at education conferences, and has been quoted in several major newspapers and magazines.

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