Christopher Columbus, A Founder Of The New World

Christopher Columbus, 1451-1506 was an Italian explorer, trader, and navigator. He was born near Genoa in Italy. This man created a new universe in 1492. Many Europeans want to travel to Asia faster than the longer route. He didn’t have the money at that time to pay for his voyage. So he asked for Ferdinand II, Isabelle 1 and King and Queen Spain to pay the cost of this trip. His goal was to travel to Asia where there were plenty of gold and pearls as well as spices. Columbus believed he could sail west to Asia. His trip has taken him on three different voyages.

Columbus and his crew departed Spain on August 3rd 1492 in three ships: Santa Maria; Santa Clara; and Pinta. His crew arrived on Guanahani Island in the Bahamas on 12 October 1492. It was called San Salvador Island by Columbus because it was Spain. They met Taino and Arawak, whom Columbus called Indians. The group then went to Cuba, the land of tobacco-and Hispaniola, where they built Navidad. This fort was named Christmas. It was the first European base for military operations in Western Hem. But he never forgot his main goal of finding gold. So, he took Arawaks captive and asked them to lead the way to him. However, he failed. Columbus, who was a Spanish colonial explorer, left Spain in September 1493. Explored some islands in the Lesser Antilles region, including Jamaica, Jamaica, Cuba. Columbus’ first voyage had been a success and he had already built his crew. His crew included 17 ships, 1200 sailors and soldiers as well as farmers and priests. After returning to Navidad, he discovered that the ship had been completely destroyed. 37 soldiers were buried while the rest of them vanished.

They fought with Arawaks and were mainly motivated by diseases. His soldiers were on their way to Cuba and Jamaica when Columbus arrived. While they were building forts and farms, his soldiers asked the Arawak people to provide food. But it didn’t work out. They then tried to steal Arawak women and rape them. The Arawak won every conflict but lost because they didn’t have the right weapon. Columbus gave people older than 14 years old a set amount of gold each 3 months to help him conquer. If they did not give him enough gold, his man would cut off the hands of those who were under 14 years old and make them bleed to their death. This strict policy caused the deaths of approximately 10000 people. Many attempted to flee, but Columbus kept them all down with his countless dogs. Columbus took 1500 Taino captive for trade on February 1495. However, they died almost half way through their journey.

In 1498, King John II directed that a continent be found South-west from Cape Verde islands. Queen Isabelle reminded Columbus to treat the people of the island with respect and convert them to Christianity. 3 ships headed straight to West Indies. They sailed to South America’s Northern Coast and arrived in Trinidad after leaving Cape Verde. He also explored further South American land, which are now called Tobago & Grenada. His crew and he returned to Hispaniola in August 1498. However, many of the settlers were upset because they believe they will have more gold from the New World. Columbus tried to give Hispaniola land to the settlers, but failed. Spain was notified by the settlers.

In 1499, Queen Isabelle sent Francisco de Bobadilla over to Hispaniola. He was given all the power needed to manage the island. When Columbus arrived on the island in 1500, he was already arrested and sent back to Spain. The Americas had been developed by Columbus’ discovery of America. Many countries were established during that time, which led to the development of a continent. Columbus discovered the New World in a vast area of the globe within 10 years. For a better lifestyle and new opportunities, Europeans begin to move to the New World. Columbus was struck with heart disease and died in 1506 while trying to save his Spanish homeland. Columbus will be remembered as the founder of The New World.


  • finlaymason

    Finlay Mason is a 36-year-old blogger and teacher from the UK. He is a prominent figure within the online education community, and is well-known for his blog, which provides advice and tips for teachers and students. Finlay is also a frequent speaker at education conferences, and has been quoted in several major newspapers and magazines.

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